Mississippi Green Tea Brewed Three Ways

Hey dear readers, I am back from an extended break for tax season where my day job also became my night job and took away my energy for blogging. I have missed writing about tea and I am happy to be back in the saddle so to speak. I recently ordered some Mississippi Green tea … Continue reading Mississippi Green Tea Brewed Three Ways

Comparing The Effect of Different Sized Brewing Vessels

I've been brewing tea with my tiny gaiwan lately and I have noticed a pattern. The tea seems to taste better than I remember it tasting in my slightly larger gaiwans. As it turns out, I just happen to have a much larger gaiwan that is the same material as my tiny one, which naturally … Continue reading Comparing The Effect of Different Sized Brewing Vessels

Gong Fu Vs Western Style Brewing

I recently realized that I've never done a proper side by side comparison of gong fu brewing vs western brewing. There's no better time than the present. I used a tieguanyin gift tea that I have a good amount of and used the brewing parameters from the Mei Leaf website for ball rolled oolongs to … Continue reading Gong Fu Vs Western Style Brewing

How Does Water Affect the Taste of Tea – Experiment

In my never-ending quest for tea knowledge, the subject of water quality comes up often. When I first started drinking tea, I thought water quality didn't matter and it was all just a bunch of voodoo talking about filtered spring water and reverse osmosis and bamboo charcoal (whatever that is). Well, the more I drank … Continue reading How Does Water Affect the Taste of Tea – Experiment